Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Book #52: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Okay, this book was really, really, really awesome.

I went to check it out from the library this afternoon, and since I was waiting for the carpet cleaners to finish up at our apartment, I sat down to read for a few minutes. One and half hours later, I dragged myself home, where I sat for another hour and a half to finish the rest of my book. I felt so disoriented while waiting to get back to the rest of the book--I NEEDED to see what was happening next.

The premise of this book sounds so depressing--and it IS depressing. Two teenagers with terminal cancer fall in love with each other. The end. How much more sad can you get? But these two teenagers are so dry and realistic and sarcastic that it makes everything so much more bearable. They're tired of the pity and platitudes they get from everyone around them, and just want to live life like everyone else. But Gus has a fake leg and Hazel has an oxygen cart that she has to carry around with her everywhere, so they really can't. They make fun of their situation, even as they're struggling with it and dealing with the pain of it all, so there are so many funny and real moments in the book. I did, of course, tear up towards the end (no spoilers here), but that's pretty par for the course nowadays.

And of course, it's a YA novel, which makes it a quick read, which can only be a good thing. A+ on this one.

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