Thursday, December 11, 2014

Book #94: Things a Little Bird Told Me by Biz Stone

This book reminded me in a lot of ways of Creativity, Inc.--a tech company-related memoir-type book with a lot of musings about creativity and the impacts people and companies can have. Biz Stone, one of the co-founders of Twitter, basically tells us about his professional life and how he went from living in his mom's basement with his girlfriend to now a high-tech mogul in the Bay Area. He worked at Google for a few years (with Blogger), then worked on a podcast-related startup, then started Twitter with one of his co-workers. And along with stories about how he made all of these moves, he shares a lot of thoughts about how creativity can happen, how we can accidentally quell creativity, how companies create their own personalities and what he was trying to do with Twitter, and how the goal of doing good in the world has affected him and Twitter (and his startups after Twitter). Honestly, it was a pretty interesting read to learn about how Twitter came about, but I didn't feel that engaged with the book. Stone is an engaging writer and he has really great ideals that he shares (and it was interesting to hear about how he was in debt basically until he cashed in on some of his Twitter shares after it was already huge), but I think I've maybe read too many of these business-y memoirs to be all that into it. Note to self: I don't need to read too many more of these for a while.

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