Sunday, June 9, 2019

The Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett

I absolutely loved this book as a kid. Loved it. And I loved the movie too--I want to re-watch it again after reading it. (I literally cannot watch the movie without crying at the ending--"Papa! Papa!") I love the message and the meaning behind it, and I love the story of how good little Sara is in the face of horrible circumstances. I know it's not the most realistic of stories--nobody, especially not a child, is that good. Nobody is going to give up five of their six rolls when they are starving to death, even if encountering someone more starving. (Maybe one, but not five.) Nobody is that controlled over their emotions to be able to think about acting like a princess when their most important basic needs are not being met--not enough food, no warmth, no human love. But that doesn't detract from the story for me at all. It's a part of the magic of the story, that Sara is above all of those things, and that she's able to stay her good self even in the face of adversity. This is a classic that didn't lose its beauty even after decades since I'd read it the first time. I can't wait to read this with my kids... the problem is just that I have so many books I want to read with them. How will I ever get through them all?

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