Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 reading recap

Well, I had a goal to read 100 books in 2012--and that definitely didn't happen. It was pretty obvious that it wasn't going to after I didn't read like crazy all summer like I was expecting to. I got to 83 though--and I'm pretty sure that's just about where I was last year too. But I feel like it was kind of cheating because I counted the Hunger Games trilogy, the Harry Potters, and the books I read about childbirth over the summer! Still, I'm not sure I'll read quite as many this year--or maybe I will! Somehow, I always end up reading too much when I feel like I should be cleaning or taking care of other projects. It's always hard to find a balance.

For my own benefit, my favorite books of 2012 were (and of course, I couldn't choose just one for each category):

Fiction: A Town Like Alice, Gone with the Wind, and Bel Canto.

Memoir: Great With Child, The Happiness Project (more for the idea than the actual execution, perhaps)

Non-fiction: The Kitchen Counter Cooking School, The Millionaire Next Door

I don't think I need to narrow it down more than that. Looking back over the year, I really did read a lot of books that I loved this year. And I also read a bunch that were good, but not amazing. It was a great year for reading.

I am so happy that I started this blog (and even happier that no one else reads it!) so that I can look back at what I read and remember how much I loved them. It also makes me feel more accomplished, like I actually did something by finishing another book, when I write it down and write my feelings about it. All in all, a great decision on my part in the beginning of 2012. I'm excited to keep it up for 2013. I don't think I'm going to set a numerical goal for books this year, because who knows what this year is going to bring with Dane changing so much every week (every day!). I will try to read at least one per week, I think--somewhere between 50 and 83, my accomplishment of this year. I think that's doable.

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