Thursday, December 20, 2012

Book #83: The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides

I'd wanted to read this book forever--I'd put in a request at the library almost a year ago to get the audiobook, but it took forever, and then I forgot about it, and I finally remembered about it a few weeks ago. I'd gotten a recommendation from someone about it, and I did really enjoy it. I think (not sure) that I read on the cover blurb that Eugenides was trying to put the Jane Austen-esque plots about love and marriage into today's modern society, asking questions about how novels about marriage would be affected by feminism and other complicating factors. So it's a story about love and marriage that doesn't actually end with Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy getting married, being rich, and living happily ever after--there's a love triangle (boy loves girl, girl loves other boy, that boy loves girl but also has bipolar disorder, etc.) and today's real life that gets in the way. The book doesn't end in a marriage (actually, it ends with a divorce, kind of) but it doesn't give up on marriage--it just kind of seems like marriage is more complicated nowadays than it was back then, when marrying a rich, handsome man was the end of all of your problems (or at least that's how Mrs. Bennet saw it).

It's been a while since I actually finished the book, but I did really like Eugenides' style of writing and the plotline itself. I don't know if I will ever read it again, but I did get really into the story while I was reading it.

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