Sunday, June 14, 2015

Book #32: As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride by Cary Elwes

I think this book was pretty short; I don't even know if it totally counts as a full-on book. I don't really know how long it was though, since I downloaded it on my Kindle from the library. (I really don't do that all that often; I much prefer reading actual books. But this was VERY convenient... I think I will start doing it more often!) The book is basically exactly what the title sounds like--a memoir about making The Princess Bride movie. And like everyone, I love that movie, so I couldn't help but check this book out. And it was moderately interesting--who doesn't like to get an insider look at something as familiar and beloved as this movie? However, I feel like enough time has passed that Elwes doesn't really seem to have all that much distinctive information to contribute. He tells a couple of funny anecdotes and talks about training for the big swordfight, but he even says at one point something about how over time you forget a lot of bigger things but some small things stick out from what he remembers. I wish he would have thought to write this memoir twenty-five years ago, because as it is, it feels a lot like he's just trying to cash in on how much people love this movie, knowing that people like me are going to be tempted just knowing it's by him. Also, maybe 60% of the book is Elwes talking about how brilliant and hilarious and amazing and ridiculously awesome every single person involved with the project was, and how they are all the absolute best at everything they did. That's very gracious and nice of him, but it seriously got overdone after a while.

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