I hated this book so much that I didn't even finish it. Do you know how rare that is? Do you know how many books I have started and gotten far into and hated so much I couldn't even push through and finish it? In the last few years since I've been writing this blog--ONE. And it was On the Road by Jack Kerouac, which I sincerely hated. This one was not at all similar to Kerouac, but it was just terrible. The characters were all the most obnoxious people I'd ever heard of. There are three women: 1, a young mom with lung cancer; 2, her sister who just lost her job as a professor for sleeping with her student; and 3, her friend who has gone through seven rounds of IVF in the last year (isn't that physically impossible? Doesn't it take more than two months to do one round??) and never got pregnant until after she found out her husband was cheating on her. And they were all TERRIBLE. Number 2 is an incredibly terrible jerk, and number 3 is a total pansy who spends all her time moaning after her cheating husband and waiting for him to call. There was no plot except that these three women were in a house together on Nantucket. I spent like six hours listening to this audiobook (almost one full hour of which was about their child had gone missing on the beach, and the mom is just wandering around looking for him half-heartedly, thinking, "Oh, I hope he's not drowned in the water,"--I'M SORRY but there is no way a real mom would have not been hysterical in that situation), thinking that it had to get better, but I finally had to give up.
But I wanted to still record it because I spent a dumb amount of time listening to it and since I hated it so much I felt like I needed to vent some more. I'd heard good things about Hilderbrand's books, so maybe I'd chosen the wrong one, but I am definitely not reading any more of hers after being burned so badly on this one.
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