Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor

I think I may have liked this book the best of the trilogy, maybe because I already accepted Carou and Akiva and their romance, and because I kind of understood what was going on and I felt invested in finding out what the heck happens to them and to their world. I felt like the second book ended on such a cliffhanger (with the angels coming to earth) and it seemed like there was no way that the chimaera and Misbegotten would be able to work together to save their world. But I don't think it's too much of a spoiler to say that they DID save their world, and I liked how the plot took you back and forth between Eretz (I'm not sure how to spell any of these words since I listened to these books) and our world, and how many of the smaller elements of the first book ended up having bigger impacts and bigger stories behind them (like the source of Akiva's magic, for example). I loved all of the dramatic twists and changes in the story, and I'm impressed by Taylor's ability to weave a storyline that's hard to predict. And I felt like the ending was a little overdone, where Carou and Akiva are finally allowed to get together, despite the Fates keeping them apart (drama drama, so much yearning and longing for each other), but there was so much leading up to it that I guess I can forgive Taylor that. This was definitely a fun cotton-candy series to listen to--a well-written story in an interesting world, and the first book was so different from the last two that I felt really compelled to finish the series. I really enjoyed this last book.

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