Monday, March 4, 2013

Book #10: The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

I've already read this book, but I was supposed to select a new book for our ward book club for the month of March and I was racking my brains trying to think of something people might like to read (and not feeling sure that my random reading habits would appeal to everyone), and I suggested this one, and it was agreed on. Since I'm hosting book club and technically "in charge," I thought I should re-read it to be able to ask some questions and lead discussion. And I think I actually liked it even better the second time around. The first time I got a little bored in the later chapters, I think, but this time since I knew what to expect it didn't bother me so much. I still really like her idea and her approach, and I did go visit her website to see what else she's been up to. I downloaded one of her resolution charts and I'm going to come up with some resolutions for the month of March (I know it's already started, but better late than never!). Still, though, I'm totally overwhelmed by how much she does in her book. Not only the resolutions that she accomplishes (or tries to), but the things she does in her regular, everyday life (like how many books she reads, how many things she does professionally). It makes me feel like I do NOTHING (which maybe is true, but I feel like I do about the same as a lot of other people in similar life situations!). I want to adopt many of her resolutions as well.

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