Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Book #55: The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella

Oh man, Sophie Kinsella's books are just like cotton candy--light, fluffy, and easily inhaled. I can get through one of these in no time, and enjoy myself thoroughly while I do it. I said that one of my least favorite things about her books is that all of her heroines seem flighty and ridiculous and they still somehow get boys to fall in love with them even as they're being stupid. This book had that problem to some degree, but I felt like it was alleviated by the fact that Samantha was (supposedly) the smartest lawyer ever, so she couldn't be COMPLETELY brainless. She did have the problem of being thrown into a situation completely beyond her, into being a housekeeper, so naturally chaos ensues. (One complaint: She seems to pick up and figure out cooking and cleaning things far too quickly with far too little help. One weekend of cooking lessons and she is already whipping things up on her own? Come on!) And naturally there's the guy that she falls in love with and all that jazz. This was a cute book, quick to read and easy to get through, but I think I liked I've Got Your Number better.

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