Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Faro's Daughter by Georgette Heyer

Okay, this is almost cheating, because this was an ABRIDGED audiobook version of this Heyer book! But I didn't really have a choice, because there wasn't an unabridged, and this was the ONLY Heyer audiobook that our library has, and I just wanted to listen to it. It was only four hours long, so it was very quick, and I wonder how much they could have cut out. Maybe they cut out the whole part where the hero and heroine actually fall in love, because that seemed ridiculously short and unlikely in this book. They hated each other, and then love each other, and I know that's how it always happens in a rom-com, but it just seemed extremely unlikely in this specific situation. Also, I couldn't believe that the man would actually even fall in love with her after all of the things she did to him (because she was so mad at him), but I don't know. It was still a cute and funny audiobook to listen to on our super-long drive home.

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