Friday, October 1, 2021

The Curse of the Mummy: Uncovering Tutankhamun's Tomb by Candace Fleming

Dane bought this at his school book fair with his birthday money and was raving about it and begged me to read it. I planned on just skimming through it to appease him but I actually enjoyed it enough to read the whole thing. It looks like it's trying to be a scary mummy story, but it was actually a really interesting history of the discovery and digging out of King Tutankhamun's tomb, and went into detail about archaeology and the history of the time period. I learned a lot (even though it was written for kids Dane's age) and I thought it was super interesting. It was amazing to learn about how much stuff they found in the tomb and what a years-long process it was to study and label and get everything out. 

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