It's hard not to love Sister Hinckley, and I want to be more like her. Reading this book was a fun glimpse into her life and her mentality. I felt a little bit insecure about comparing myself with her at the beginning of it, but after a while I started to get a sense of her and feel less intimidated by her perfection and more admiring and feeling like I could eventually become like her. After all, she was about ninety when this book was written, she wasn't perfect. It was very refreshing to read some of the stories about her as a young mother, and to realize that she got mad at her kids every once in a while too. She had so many wonderful qualities, like her faith, her optimism (she has so many wonderful quotes about being positive, like the famous, "You either have to laugh or cry. I choose to laugh. Crying gives me a headache."), and her uplifting nature towards everyone else. I loved what everyone said about her always saying kind things about everyone--not just kind things, but admiring, uplifting, and constantly positive things. So many of her qualities are ones that I would like to emulate, particularly in my mothering and someday, in my mother-in-lawing (she sounded like a wonderful mother-in-law). Anyways, this is definitely a great book to keep and to be able to refer back to and remember. When I'm ninety years old, I want to be like her.
Quotes from the book that I loved:
"We are not asking for something spectacular but rather for our sisters to find real self-fulfillment through wise self-development in the pursuit of righteous and worth endeavors" - Spencer W. Kimball
"We have a lot to learn about simplifying our lives. We have to decide what is important and then move along at a pace that is comfortable for us. We have to develop the maturity to stop trying to prove anything, to be what we are."
"Do whatever you have to do this week; do it with your heart and soul, and do it cheerfully."
"I am so grateful for the blessings that I have enjoyed in my life.I do not know why the Lord has been so good to me. I don't know why I have been so blessed. But I do know that the Lord has a right to expect a lot of me. Sometimes the commitment gets a little heavy and sometimes I wonder if I can really do this. Then I think of all that I have been given, and it is easy to get up and do something a little more."
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