Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Unlikely Adventures of the Shergill Sisters by Balli Kaur Jaswal

I feel like I am drawn to books about Indian characters and families (or other South Asian countries--I hope I'm saying this correctly and not being annoyingly American by overgeneralizing!). I really like books that talk about the cultural differences between groups, and I love reading about these Indian characters and how they integrate--or don't--with other countries. In this book, the Shergill sisters were born in England, but are asked by their mother to go back to their native country of India for the first time together in her letter she leaves them after she dies, to scatter her ashes and to take a trip together. These sisters have never gotten along and don't talk much together, but they are thrown together on this trip and experience India almost as outsiders--and each of them has a dramatic, serious secret that they are trying to hide from the others. I loved the differences between the three sisters, and I loved their dynamics and how they loved each other despite being stuck in their lifetime habits of annoying each other in certain ways. It seemed so realistic to me, how family are the people you reach for and care about the most, but they are also the ones who can wound you most deeply and drive you up the wall. I was driven to find out what each of their secrets were, and what they were hiding from each other, and I loved the climax at the end and how they dropped everything to help and save each other. And I loved the resolution at the end, how they ended up closer together. This was a fun, and really enjoyable read.

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