Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Mother-in-Law by Sally Hepworth

I wasn't expecting to love this book so much--but I totally did. I started listening to it just a few days before we left on our trip, and I thought I wouldn't finish it. But I listened to the whole 9-hour audiobook in one day--on double speed, but still--I couldn't stop listening. I couldn't wait to figure out what was happening. I loved how this was a murder mystery but also really a story about the relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law. You wanted to find out who did the murder, but that came after finding out how the two of them kept misunderstanding each other over years, and how they never really knew each other or saw what the other was trying to do to be kind until the very end. I liked having both perspectives from Lucy (the daughter-in-law) and Diana (the mother-in-law); you can see how Lucy might be seen as skittish and clingy, although when you hear her thoughts she definitely doesn't come across that way; and how Diana is firm and unbending, but you get more information about why. It definitely was a great choice for a book club book, which we are going to be discussing in a few weeks for our ward book club.

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