Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Waking Gods by Sylvain Neuvel

This is the sequel to Sleeping Giants, and I loved this one just as much as the first. This one had much more action to it than the first. In Sleeping Giants, they have discovered parts to a giant robot that they are trying to figure out how to use. But in this one, set ten years after the first, multiple giant alien robots come to earth and begin wiping out the population. So Dr. Rose Franklin and her team have to figure out a way to stop the robots from killing everyone, with their limited knowledge and their one robot. The action was very fast-paced in this book, and things went very quickly, which was fun for this audiobook. The story was seriously scary, with how many people were wiped out by these alien civilizations, and I actually was dreaming about it last night. The conclusion was seriously exciting, and I wasn't sure what was going to happen until the very end of the book--literally, just a few minutes till the end. I still love the recorded interview style of this book, and really am happy to be listening to these as audiobooks. (Unfortunately, the third book in the series is only available from our library as an e-book, so I have to decide if I want to read it or just not get it at all.)

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